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How does it work?

Hire an apartment hunter in Paris to find the property of your dreams, the perfect match at the best price. Our real estate hunters will scan the city, using their network of private sellers and real estate professionals.

Our step-by-step approach ensures a seamless experience from start to finish. It begins with an initial consultation to understand your needs, followed by a thorough assessment of the project. From there, we embark on an extensive search, curating a selection of apartments that align with your preferences. As we progress, we maintain open communication, keeping you informed at every step and offering ongoing support. Finally, we guide you through the closing process, including inspections, utility transfers, and key delivery.


We understand your needs and expectations by identifying key parameters such as location, property type, size, amenities, and any other specific features that are important to you. We present you a comprehensive approach to apartment hunting along with our detailed service proposal

Once you have reviewed and accepted our service proposal, we move forward to formalize the contractual engagement and initiate the mission of finding your perfect apartment. This agreement outlines the scope of our services, the duration of our engagement, and the fees associated with our apartment hunting services

Once we have solidified our contractual engagement and your specific requirements, we kickstart an extensive search process to discover a wide range of apartments that meet your criteria. We leverage both online and offline platforms to expand our search. Our extensive search process is designed to save you time, effort, and the stress of navigating the complex real estate market

Once we have curated a selection of apartments that meet your criteria, we perform virtual visits and prepare a comprehensive presentation for your review. This presentation includes detailed information about each property, including photographs, floor plans, sale prices, and any additional relevant details such as property’s condition, neighborhood, accessibility, proximity to amenities.

Throughout the search process, we maintain open lines of communication with you. If the initial selection does not completely align with your expectations, we iterate and refine the search based on your feedback.

Negotiating the terms of purchase offer can be a complex and crucial stage of the apartment hunting process. That’s why we offer negotiation and offer support to ensure that your interests are protected and that you secure the best possible deal.

Once the negotiation process is successfully concluded, we assist you in preparing the purchase agreement. We guide you in compiling and organizing the purchase supporting documents ensuring that you have all the necessary paperwork ready for submission. If required we can provide guidance and assistance in accessing notary or legal service

We coordinate with notaries and real estate agents to ensure a seamless transfer of ownership.We can assist in scheduling a final inspection or walkthrough of the apartment. We facilitate the smooth delivery of keys to your new apartment.